Photo Album
Google Photo Album
Anyone should be able to add photos to the album using this link below
(if you can't get to the album, it means you're not in our Google Groups!)
External photo album
We also have an Instagram account, where select photos are posted to give others an idea of what our Pack does.
Subscribing to the Pack 88 photo album
Go to the Pack 88 photo album link
In the top right corner of the menu, select the three dots menu:
Select the "Show in Albums" option to have the Pack88 photo album show up in your google photos.
Then view photos in your google photos app on your phone, or on the google photos desktop app
Uploading photos to the Pack 88 photo album
It's easiest to do directly on your phone, but you'll need the google photos app. Once you download the google photos app, it needs access to your photos, and then upload them from there.
Google photos should already be installed. Use that to add photos to the Pack88 album.
Go to the Pack88 photo album page
Click on "Select from computer"
Click on the "add photos" icon in the top right corner
(iOS) Select the potos from your "Photos" at the very bottom of the left sidebar
Sharing photos policy
Our policy is to allow posting all photos taken during our events of scouts and leaders in our photo albums. If you would like a photo of your child removed from our photo album, please let us know and we'll remove or unshare the photos containing you or your child.