New Families

Welcome to Cub Scouts!

What is Scouting?

Scouting is a worldwide youth movement with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports. Scouts learn independence, skills, and leadership through activities and games coordinated by Scout leaders.

Scouting starts with Cub Scout “Packs” which are organized into smaller “Dens” containing Scouts of a single grade level. After Cub Scouts, youth can proceed to Scouts BSA (formerly called Boy Scouts) and other adventure-specific scouting groups if they wish.

Who can join?

ALL kids are welcome: boys, girls, and nonbinary. You can join Cub Scouts anytime in K-5th grade!

The Cub Scout Ranks

Bobcat:​​  First badge earned by all Cub Scouts

Lion:     Kindergarten (not Transitional)

Tiger:   1st Grade

Wolf:    2nd Grade

Bear:   3rd Grade

Webelos:   4th Grade

Arrow of Light:   5th Grade

Scouts BSA: 6th - 12th grade.

Family Involvement

We encourage the whole family to participate in our outings and events, including camping. Parents are an integral part of Cub Scouting and at least one parent is required to attend overnight campouts with their Cub. Safety of our children is essential in Scouting; At least two adults must be present at all times, and all volunteer leaders must complete Youth Protection Training to learn how to keep Cubs safe. 

All of our leaders are volunteers and most have Cubs in Pack 88. We need you to help make our pack great!

Next Steps

Check out our Open House 

Saturday October 7, 2023 from 11am - 1pm

at the SF Fire Department Union Hall at 325 Newhall Street, San Francisco (Bayview).

We will have a variety of activites for potential scouts to enjoy: tying knots, rockets, tents, and more!

OR: Check out a meeting!

Stop by a meeting and see what we do! Meetings are held most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm at the SF Fire Department Union Hall at 325 Newhall Street, San Francisco (Bayview).

OR: Sign up now!

Go to our Sign-up page!

Activities & Adventures

Goals of Pack 88

Outdoor adventures are a core focus of being a Scout. Our meetings are outdoors as much as possible, and along with the fun activities done during our meetings, we try to use outings and campouts to teach independence, leadership, and care for the environment. 

Scouts will learn age-appropriate skills such as knot tying, hiking, cooking, building, reading maps, how to use a pocket knife, and so much more!

Weekly Meetings

Cub scouts are expected to attend weekly meetings and encouraged to participate in weekend adventures such as hikes, campouts, and other outdoor explorations. 

Meetings are held most Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm at the SF Fire Department Union Hall at 325 Newhall Street, San Francisco (Bayview).

Example Pack Activities:

Pack Campouts:

Pack 88 prides itself in offering many Pack camping trips every year. On these overnight campouts, the whole family can attend, cubs sleep with a parent, and we plan some appropriate group activities. Cubs also learn to work together and help with camping chores. 

District-Organized Overnight Weekend Camps:

Week-long Summer Camps:

Scout Law

A scout is:













Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best

to do my duty to god and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.

Outdoor Code

As an American, I will do my best to:

Be clean in my outdoor manners.

Be careful with fire.

Be considerate in the outdoors.

Be conservation minded.