First meeting (or with new kids)
Get to know each other
pair kids up and learn about the other kid
Favorite food, pet name, etc
Have each kid introduce the other kid
Den Code of conduct
Listening to others
Games: sportsmanship
Poster board and markers?
Game at the end
Hap's Favorite Scout Meeting Games (provided by Hap Velleno, Scoutmaster of Troop 3, SF as part of BALOO training)
Protect Yourself
Send out e-mail to all parents to review the Protect Yourself handout:
At the last Den meeting, we introduced the "Protect Yourself" rules by discussing a bit about trusted adults and how we stay safe in Scouting. We'd like everyone to review the "Protect Yourself" handout in the front cover of the Wolf Handbook. There's also a video that the BSA made that they wanted us to show the kids, but personally I would prefer to discuss this with my own child in a way that's best for us. So feel free to watch the video or discuss the topics in the pamphlet with your scout. We had a good discussion with my family led by the questions in the blue boxes in the handout!
Bobcat Badge
(review for existing Bobcats, or have them help the new ones)
Play game to learn the Scout Oath and Law with flashcards:
Required Adventures
Wolves need to do ...
Order these requirements in the order we plan on doing them?
Paws on the Path [Required]
Paws on the Path [Required]
Complete Requirements 1-5. Requirements 6 and 7 are optional.
Meeting 1:
<review Bobcat badge stuff>
Show you are prepared to hike safely in any outdoor setting by putting together the Cub Scout Six Essentials to take along on your hike. <do 6 essentials game>
Meeting 2:
Tell what the buddy system is and why we always use it in Cub Scouting. Describe what you should do if you get separated from your group while hiking.
Choose the appropriate clothing to wear on your hike based on the expected weather.
Before hiking, recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids with your leader. (This may be combined with Requirement 3 of The Call of the Wild Adventure.) After hiking, discuss how you showed respect for wildlife.
Do at home or with pack?
Go on a 1-mile hike with your den or family. Find two interesting things that you’ve never seen before and discuss with your den or family.
Optional (add in if you need more to do)
Name two birds, two insects, and/or two other animals that live in your area. Explain how you identified them.
Draw a map of an area near where you live using common map symbols. Show which direction is north on your map
Do this before a planned pack hike?
This adventure is a good one to complete early in the Scouting year in conjunction with an early hike or camping trip in the fall. It can be done in two meetings, easy or a single meeting and a camping/hiking trip if you squeeze it all in.
Requirements 2, 3, and 4 can be completed in one meeting. It's a little bit classroom-y but start with the Buddy System game in the leader guide and let the kids run around for 10-15 minutes practicing buddy checks.
The 6-essentials game went well and was fun!
Requirements 6 & 7 can be fun to do if you need an extra activity to complete a meeting
Safety in Numbers [Required]
<old> Call of the Wild [Required]
Complete Requirements 1-4 plus at least one other.
Attend one of the following:
A pack or family campout
An outdoor activity with your den or pack
Day camp
Resident camp
With your family or den, make a list of possible weather changes that could happen during your outing according to the time of year you are outside. Tell how you will be prepared for each one.
Do the following:
Recite the Outdoor Code with your leader.
Recite the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids with your leader. Talk about how these principles support the Outdoor Code.
After your outdoor activity or campout, list the ways you demonstrated being careful with fire or other dangers.
Show or demonstrate what to do:
In case of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood.
To keep from spreading your germs.
AND do one of these:
Show how to tie an overhand knot and a square knot.
While on a den or family outing, identify four different types of animals you see or explain evidence of their presence. Tell how you identified them.
Call of the Wild Notes
(Do in preparation for a campout or hike)
This adventure overlaps with Paws on the Path so it's good to do right after that one.
Likely we can do this once in the fall, and again in the spring when we have some new Cubs?
Outdoor code:
Do the knots elective #5? Yes!
Council Fire (Duty to Country) [Required]
Council Fire (duty to country) [Required]
Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least one other.
With your den or pack, participate in a flag ceremony, and learn how to properly care for and fold the flag.
Participate in a community service project with your pack, den, or family.
AND at least one of the following:
With your parent or guardian’s permission, talk to a military veteran, law enforcement officer, member of the fire department, or someone else approved by your Den Leader. Talk about his or her service to the community or country. After you have visited with the individual, write a short thank-you note.
Learn about the changes in your community, and create a project to show your den how the community has changed.
Select one issue in your community, and present to your den your ideas for a solution to the problem.
Work with your den to develop a den duty chart, and perform these tasks for one month.
Participate in an event such as a parade or assembly celebrating military veterans.
attach any documents/links
3. Visit firehouse or the cops?
Contact for fire station?
Coast guard station?
5. Community issues:
seems like a good one: organize a trash pickup?
7. Participate in pride parade? (but pride is at the end of the year)
Running with the Pack [Required]
Running with the pack
Complete the following Requirements.
Play catch with someone in your den or family who is standing 5 steps away from you. Play until you can throw and catch successfully at this distance. Take a step back and see if you can improve your throwing and catching skills.
Practice balancing as you walk forward, backward, and sideways.
Practice flexibility and balance by doing a front roll, a back roll, and a frog stand.
Play a sport or game with your den or family, and show good sportsmanship.
Do at least two of the following: frog leap, inchworm walk, kangaroo hop, or crab walk.
Demonstrate what it means to eat a balanced diet by helping to plan a healthy menu for a meal for your den or family. Make a shopping list of the food used to prepare the meal.
Can do this one anytime
Footsteps (Faith and Family) [Required]
Footsteps (Faith and Family) [Required]
Complete Requirement 1 or 2 plus at least two others.
Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult what it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life.
Earn the religious emblem of your faith that is appropriate for your age, if you have not already done so.
AND two of the others:
Offer a prayer, meditation, or reflection with your family, den, or pack.
Read a story about people or groups of people who came to America to enjoy religious freedom.
Learn and sing a song that could be sung in reverence before or after meals or one that gives encouragement, reminds you how to show reverence, or demonstrates your duty to God.
Visit a religious monument or site where people might show reverence. Create a visual display of your visit with your den or your family, and show how it made you feel reverent or helped you better understand your duty to God.
We made a 1-page sheet to do this in one den meeting
Send e-mail to parents telling them what to do?
copy/paste letter to parents?
Easiest ones to do?
5. Learn a song that gives encouragement:
Finding Your Way
Finding Your Way
Complete the following Requirements.
Do the following:
Using a map of your city or town, locate where you live.
Draw a map for a friend so he or she can locate your home, a park, a school, or other locations in your neighborhood. Use symbols to show parks, buildings, trees, and water. You can invent your own symbols. Be sure to include a key so your symbols can be identified.
Do the following:
Identify what a compass rose is and where it is on the map.
Use a compass to identify which direction is north. Show how to determine which way is south, east, and west.
Go on a scavenger hunt using a compass, and locate an object with a compass.
Using a map and compass, go on a hike or walk with your den or family.
Seems like a good one to learn!
Compass course for the fire hall outside
Spirit of the Water
Spirit of the Water
Complete the following Requirements
Discuss how the water in your community can become polluted.
Explain one way that you can help conserve water in your home.
Explain to your den leader why swimming is good exercise.
Explain the safety rules that you need to follow before participating in swimming or boating.
Visit a local pool or public swimming area with your family or den. With qualified supervision, jump into water that is at least chest-high, and swim 25 feet or more.
Adventure in Coins
Adventure in Coins
Complete Requirements 1-4. Requirements 5-7 are optional..
Identify different parts of a coin.
Find the mint mark on a coin. Identify the mint where the coin was made and the year it was made.
Choose a coin that interests you, and make a coin rubbing. List information next to the coin detailing the pictures on it, the year it was made, and the mint where it was made.
Play a game or create a game board with your den or family where you can practice adding and subtracting coins.
Play a coin game.
Create a balance scale.
Do a coin-weight investigation.